Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"One Touch of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin"

In Troilus and Cressida, Act 3, scene 3, Shakespeare presents this universal line: "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." And there it is: an idea that people in this messy world can be family, and implies that they should be. Earth and its people are one-- and so every individual is not only linked to their neighbors and community, but also communities from all over the world, and ultimately the earth itself.

Global Citizenship begins with connected-ness. When one understands the role they have in the world, including their relationship with peoples of worldwide cultures and their relationship with the natural world, they find themselves certain of their position of global citizenship and are therefore entitled to all the blessings and responsibilities of that citizenship. To stand strong, confident, and encouraged by what the world has to offer-- these are the results of a family-- not merely awareness.

In Spring 2015, this global citizenship course will take on a touch of activism. Yet, activism, you think, comes often with a negative connotation. But then there's the definition we discussed in class. This is the definition that I believe captures the true passion of an activist. Now, an activist is someone who believes something, and believes it with passion. They view it with a great deal of importance. And then, they stand. They stand firm in those beliefs, and they stand up for those beliefs when something threatens them. Sometimes that means standing up for yourself, sometimes standing up for others, but no matter what, you can stand up for those things in little settings, and in big. Be it in a classroom, a group of friends, or bigger settings like communities gathering together to state their voice on the condition of their living. Activism is important in this world, because we want to change for the better. We want to leave this world better than when we found it. Leave an imprint, but a good one, one you can be proud of and not like stepping on a butterfly.

We're family. We're kin. We're one. And what is it that makes that unity? What is it that ties is together? One touch of nature. One world. We are connected, and we need to see that, then act upon it. That's what activism really is. Acting. Changing the world. And all it takes is one person, one voice, one action. So act!!!

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